NAMISINDWA DISTRICT: Buwatuwa Residents cry out for clean,safe water

Residents of Nasongwe village, Buwatuwa sub-county in Namisindwa District  are grappling with lack of Access to safe and clean water , relying on unprotected water wells .

According Sam Malone Kundu LC3 Chairperson of Buwatuwa sub-county, for decades the community have been drawing water from a stagnant dirty ditch initially meant for a watering point for their cattle. But due to scarcity and absence of an alternative, they turned it into a source of water for domestic use .

He added that community plight worsens when it rains and fecal matter is washed into this unprotected Nangakho well and the only water spring in the Area, the district health reports indicates 96% of the population in Namisindwa drinks unsafe water hence suffering  from diseases like Typhoid, Diarrhea and skin rashes.

Kundu highlighted that the sub-county is among the newly created Administrative units , chief Administrative Officer Namisindwa District claims that there is no funds .

"However earlier this week through our lobbying we got humanitarian called Hon. Peter wamana commonly known as "Man of Action" who came to our rescue by  supporting us with 12 bags of cement and other construction materials in aiding to access safe and clean Water as well as devise ways of Allievating the plight of the people"  kundu said.

Kundu said that As a leader I have talked to the district leadership to rescue the community but they only keep on promising, we shall work on it.

Hon. Peter wamana a political activists, humanitarian and intends to contests 2026 for member of Parliament Namisindwa county, Appreciated the Buwatuwa leadership and Community for the cooperation, collaboration in strengthening community activities like general sanitation and health in order to attaining safe and better Environment .

This comes after hon.wamana's community tour  Earlier this week on Monday in Buwatuwa sub-county where he found out that locals use  Nangakho well which has been a single water spring in the area and water is  unsafe for domestic use .

"This well is too dirty and serves over 1500 household, including Two schools, other two neighboring sub-counties of Bukhaweka, Bukhabusi which puts people's lives at risk" wamana narrates .

Wamana stressed that the lower local leadership have attempted to address the challenge to the Districts authorities but reportly fallen on deaf Ear's.

Abuneli Mweru District councilor representing Buwatuwa sub county admitted that lack of Access to clean and safe water remains big challenge and so is sanitation.

He said that this community has one Nangakho well ,it is in worrying states thus serves both animals and human beings which puts people's lives at risk of attaining different diseases.

He added the district is grappling with low revenue collections which might assist in improving service delivery like construction of roads , water wells , other safe water points.

Jennifer Waburoko a mother of two , resident of the Area said,they trek long distances to get this unclean water and as well poses a risk to them.

She appealed to the government to come to their rescue and construct more water sources for example water wells, boreholes and pipe.


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