MBALE CITY: Masaba culture institution fails to account for over 500M UGX meant for circumcision events.

Serious fights have been gripped at Inzu ya Bamasaba culture institution after the culture council failing to account for over 500 million shillings which was meant to organize a circumcision event at Mutoto last month of August.

According to an insider reliable source who preferred anonymity  the Umukuka Mike Mudoma trashed the countability report which was presented by Wilson Watira the Chairperson of Imbalu.

He told him to go back and write another good report which balances over 500 million which was given to him to organize the circumcision ceremony.

Remember according to Steven Masika the spokesperson of Masaba culture institution after circumcision event he revealed and published all the companies and individuals who donated the money to Masaba culture institution for organization circumcision at different media platforms which annoyed the culture leader (Umukuka) over unknown reasons.

While speaking to our reporter in an exclusive interview today Wednesday Weyusa Masafu the publicity Secretary of Imbalu under Masaba culture institution says that they are going to do what it takes to make all accountability since it was public money.

He asked the Bamasaba to be calm and trust Inzu Yamasaba because everything will be accounted for.

Wilson Watira the Chairperson of Imbalu after our reporter contacted him on the phone he admitted the mistake and pleaded guilty for not giving real accountability to cultural leaders ( Umukuka)

Watira says that he has drafted another accountability report and has submitted to Umukuka Indicating all the income and expenditures of the Circumcision function.

Stephen Masiga the spokesperson of Masaba culture institution says it's true Umukuka has got another accountability report from Watira saying as cabinet they are going to analyze it before coming up with an official statement to Bamasaba.


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