Mbale health workers on spot after twins,mother die in labour.

Local leaders and residents have accused health workers at Mbale Regional Referral hospital over negligence following the death of a mother and her twins.

Harriet Muduwa 26,a resident of Doko village,Nandago parish,Bukise sub -county in sironko District died after spending three days in a facility.

According to Jenipher lunyolo,A mother to the deceased,said that they arrived at Mbale Regional Referral hospital but the health workers on duty told them to buy syringes,medicine and file at Ug.Shs 120,000.

"The operation was not done,the next day health worker requested for blood, medicine and water at shs. 50,000 and shortly they asked for another Shs .200,000 for operation but nothing was done until Tuesday 15th of July when she died with twins in womb,"lunyolo said.

Wilber Wamimbi, the husband to the late accused health workers for neglect.the medical workers delayed to operate my wife until she passed on.

He appealed to Government for a quick intervention mostly regular supervisions in these Government facilities to save the mother's lives.

Isha Mutonyi Mugoya,the female councillor representing Northern city Division as well as secretary for health Mbale city council highlighted that the situation in Mbale regional Referral hospital especially in maternity ward is worrying which needs to be worked on as soon as possible.

"The mother was refered from Busiu health centre IV to Mbale regional Referral hospital on saturday at around 11 Pm and i was assured by medical workers that they were taking her to theatre for operation but to my surprise until Tuesday they didn't work on her,"mutonyi said.

She said the way the health workers are working, especially in maternity ward is not good.

Harriet Kakai deputy mayor Mbale city noted that the situation has worsened at the hospital.

They are hiding alot of cases,they don't care,this time round we want to expose them.kakai said.

However Dr Jude Mulowoza,the head of maternity ward dismissed allegations saying the doctor received the mother and monitored her with other mid wives.

He noted that health team attempted to get blood for mother to undergo for operation but was not successfully.


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