NAMISINDWA DISTRICT : Residents use hoes to work on Bungati-Tsekulu road

Residents of Bungati Sub County in collaboration with Hon. Peter wamana the incoming member of Parliament Namisindwa county 2026 in Namisindwa district  decided to do Communal works on Bungati-Bunambale -Tsekulu road.

Locals yesterday Friday morning 26th, July 2026 picked up hoes and machete begun to work on the road that has been in sorry state for the last 30 years.

Cosma Mubulala , one of the residents told this publication that they decided to work on the road following their repeated pleas to the authorities for intervention in vain.

Anthony Wenwa, a Boda boda rider says he was forced to compensate his client last week after getting an accident on the same road after hitting a pothole unknowingly.

Hon.Peter Wamana, a political activists and humanitarian, who intends to contests as MP ,Resident of this area says the sorry state of the road has cost farmers heavily since they can’t transport their produce like bananas, Onions ,beans and cabbage among others to Mbale town and other cities for sell.

Jennifer Namakoye says expectant mothers face various challenges during labor because they can’t find their way to Bududa main  Hospital and neighboring health facilities due to the impassable road.

Stephen Wakooli , the Bungati  Sub County LC III chairperson, says as sub county leadership has written several reminders to district engineers to rehabilitate the road but their promises haven’t yielded results. Adds that district every financial year allocates huge fund's on this road but there is nothing on ground.

According to Wakooli , Hon. wamana decided to mobilized residents to use hand hoes to fill up potholes as they wait for the response from the district.

The Bungati sub-county councillor , Perez Bikala Weswa called for patience, saying the district in 2022 allocated Ugs 4.2 million but fair work done , they have allocated another Ugs.2 million for repairing the road this quarter.




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