President Museveni urges people of Teso to concentrate on wealth creation .

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has asked the people of Teso to concentrate on wealth creation for social economic transformation.

While addressing the gathering at kongunga primary school in kachumbala county Bukedea District over the weekend, Museveni noted that people should use small plots of land available to carryout projects like poultry, piggery and other small farming which can help them earn a living.

President Museveni said people can now do their work peacefully after government resolving the issues  of cattle rustling in karamoja Region.

Museveni also applauded the speaker for being hardworking and developmental, thus promoting local economy.

He urged other leaders to emulate her good and exemplary deed for regional development.

"Am happy to be here and see that your happy with Anita Among, because for me i defend her when they try to malice her"Museveni said .

"If i don't destroy the one's who are pushing for tribalism and sectarianism why should i fight Anita Among who is working for unity and regional intergration"Museveni added.

Patrick Isiagi Opolot the member of parliament for Kachumbala county Bukedea District commented Government for interconnectivity of roads,building of kamunge and kwari kwari health centre iii but highlighted that the area is still facing the challenge of poverty which needs to be worked on through affirmative action.

Isiagi also stated that the price of cassava in the area has declined from three hundred shillings to one hundred shillings per kilogram due to the high taxes imposed on the local factory which buys cassava for starch.

He appealed to Government for protection of the factories internally which deals in manufacturing of starch from cassava, for farmers to have good price hence addressing poverty in their homes.

Anita Annet Among the woman member of parliament for Bukedea District as well as the speaker of Uganda parliament applauded president Museveni for making sure that number three of Uganda come from Teso region particularly in Bukedea.

On sunday 18/8/2024, president Museveni officially launched FEASSA games,and opened Bukedea comprehensive sports park in Bukedea District.


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