MBALE CITY: Women Advised on records keeping .

In abide to create financial discipline in business, women in Eastern region and mbale city in particular are advised to have books of record while carrying out their businesses.

Joel Wamika, Eastern regional manager for equity bank noted that some women do not have books of record to account for their businesses in terms of income,taxes and expenditure which has affected smooth running of businesses.

Wamika also encouraged women to always access the equity bank banches to get more knowledge as far as banking is concerned.

Over 700 women from Mbale city and sorrounding areas have been trained by equity bank on financial literacy like record keeping,budgeting,and money management among others.

During the event held yesterday at Mbale courts view hotel in Mbale city while celebrating women as a bank. Equity bank through its theme "Abakyaala ku'ntiiko" targeted to help women access knowledge on digital banking, finding markets, suppliers and strong business records that can be based on by financial institutions while seeking to support women business enterprises.

Halima Nandejje who represented Hon Lydia Wanyoto as a chief guest while speaking at the event emphasized women to have the culture of saving in order to develop.

Nandejje called upon women stop over depending on men but rather share the family responsibility together.

Rebecca Katiisi, one of the beneficiaries applauded the bank for the skills in financial management for women.

She advised women to go for bank loans when they already have running capital in businesses to avoid failing to pay back.




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