Elgon region : Farmers tipped on formation of stores in order to curb Food security.

Farmers in  Bugisu and Sebei Region advised to Retaliate the substitutes of stores ,granaries in order to improve  food security and storage levels ,this follows the formation of Sebei  farmers’ cooperative Society Limited (SFCSL)  building  a warehouse which will be is used in bulking all members’ produce of rice and sunflower.

The warehouse plays a critical role in grain buying and marketing as central point for the farmers and off takers. The Sebei farmers Cooperative society leadership wants to ensure that the key personnel in stores are properly trained to ensure that loses are minimized at the stores while ensuring smooth movement of goods to and out of the store.

 Sebei Farmers’ Cooperative   consists of 450 member owned and controlled entity engaged in promoting food production, increase productivity as well as marketing the different enterprises like sunflower, rice and other crops within Kween, Kapchorwa and Bulambuli Districts Among others. 

While speaking during training with farmers held over the weekend in kapchwora district, Timothy Bisagati The consultant’s Team leader of Link Agency East Africa Non-government organisation Applauded the farmers Bugisu and Sebei Region for the formation of the Cooperative society and hold store management in the area.

He further added food needs to be available, accessible, affordable, safe and of preference to the individual that needs through proper storage mechanism.

Bisagati cherished Sebei farmers’ Cooperative  Board Of Directors  and Management for working together and brining opportunities that empower the members to improve on the incomes and livelihoods. 

Janin Limo The manager of the Cooperative appreciated The link agency of  East Africa for the skills and  encouraged the trainees to use the knowledge obtained from the training to build the cooperatives capacity to manage its store and newly launched agro input shop effectively. With these newfound skills and knowledge, the trainees look forward to the future of the cooperative with optimism. They pledged to collectively increase the stores utilization by mobilizing farmers to bulk over 1,000 metric tonnes of paddy rice in the first season of 2024 and even hope to store even more in the future.

Limo added that The participants were trained in professional stores management, components of stores management, sales analyses, use of the necessary records and stock management principles. 

He stressed that Cooperative is structurally divided into 6 agricultural production zones namely Nabbongo-Bwikhonge, Ngenge-Bunambutye -Bumufuni, Cheptare,Nasak and Sundet contributing towards the main trading enterprises.  The Cooperative society  located in Cheptare cell, Cheptare parish, Chepsukunya Town Council, Kween District was formally registered in 2022 as a result of separation of the independent entities (SACCO for financial assistance to members and Cooperative for production and marketing) but both serving the smallholder farmer in their area of operation. The Cooperative has over the years been supported by various partners like the SNV CRAFT project, NAADS and the Local Government among others. 

He noted Sebei Farmers Cooperative Society Limited  currently operates with a storage facility for the aggregation of paddy rice and other crops. They are facing high post-harvest handling losses of approximately 40% due to lack of farmer training, equipment and facilities. 

He emphasized that the Society received funding support for Capacity Building from United States African Development Foundation (USADF) to promote Rice Production in Kween District in conjuction with The Link Agency East Africa to build the capacity of its management team and some zonal lead farmers in stores management and the  Cooperative leadership wants to ensure that the key personnel in stores are properly trained to ensure that loses are minimized at the stores while ensuring smooth movement of goods to and out of the store.



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