BUTALEJA DISTRICT: Medics warned against extortion

Butaleja's district leaders have warned medical workers to stop extorting money from patients in various health facilities across the District.

While Speaking to this publication over the weekend Adonia Mafumo the deputy Resident District Commissioner Butelaja revealed that they have received numerous reports about extortion in most of the health centres, yet government declared free medical services across the country.

Mafumo further highlighted that health workers have continued to sale government drugs hence affecting service delivery.adds that As a representive of the president and head of  monitoring of government programs so far  have vowed to punish at least Two offenders, as an example to the rest in a bid to eliminate corruption in the district.

Michael Higenyi the district chairperson and secretary Education and Health committee on district council said that outcries have been alarming on extortion in various health centres necessitating serious action by the district leaders.

Higenyi  urged the patients to courageously report such cases to those in authority, and expressed his readiness to discipline such Errant corrupt medical workers in health facilities because government has laboured to increase their welfare and enhanced salaries of  health workers ,adds that surgery should be free in All government hospitals.

"Sort out the mess in health sector especially Busolwe General hospital,Nabiganda health center IV  among others, the Issue of extortion must stop why are you extorting from expectant mothers and patients ? if you don't sort out yourselves I have directed the office of the RDC and police to swing into action with any culprit found In extortion and theft of government drugs" said Higenyi.

He added that other two Doctors which includes ;Mukisa Ivan, Innocent of Busolwe General hospital  from the  case's of extorting money from patients for surgery.


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