JUST IN:Mbale District council Elects new working committee chairperson's.

Mbale district local council have elected the new chairperson's for working committees in the new term of the office for remaining two and half years of service.

During the council meeting held yesterday at the district chambers in Malukhu (lukhobo),the council dissolved and reconstituted the standing committees in accordance with the standard rule of procedure for the local government council in Uganda 2019 which provides that the standing committees of council shall have tenure of office in two and half years.

Social services(health, education and community based service),works,production and natural resources, and finance, planning and administration were constituted getting new chairperson's and committee members.

This comes after the current standing committee term ended in December 2023.

Hon Mugoma John willy the council representing Bumasikye sub county was elected the new chairperson for finance, planning and administration after getting 18 votes, the incumbent Honourable shambale Tom got 14votes and 2 Votes were invalid out of the total 34 votes.

Nambale Brain the councilor representing Nabumali town council and wafula shaban the council for Budwale retained their seats as chairpersons for social services and works after beating Juma Wambede,Jackson wanda and Rita Muyama respectively.

Wafula shaban the elected chairperson for work applauded the councillors for entrusting in him for another term of the office and promised to work together with counsellors,technical team for better service delivery.

He also urged locals to work hard by involving themselves in government programs to chase poverty out of their homes.

Robert wagwe the speaker of Mbale district local council revealed that the council constituted to have three committees which is required in law instead of four their had in the past two and half year.

Wagwe also called upon the elected chairpersons to be partial without taking any side because their work is to serve all people.

Nasike Asumin the resident district commissioner for Mbale asked the counsellors to work together with his office for people to benefit in government programs like parish development model,emyooga among others.


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