JUST IN : Ensure strict observance of guidelines during new year’s fireworks display, says police commanders

Police has tasked its commanders across the country to be on the lookout for venues that display new year fireworks without being cleared.

Fireworks Display .
By our reporter 

The commanders have also been told to be strict on observance of guidelines by the venues cleared to display fireworks.

“All territorial commanders are tasked to watch out for organizers who set off fireworks outside the permitted times, which can be dangerous to the public. They have been further tasked to police the event and create task teams to prevent disruptions caused by forbidden fireworks,” Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said. 

 According to police, commanders should supervise and guide fireworks operators prior to setting up the display, during discharge, of fireworks and after discharge to assist in determining that the launch area is safe.

“ At their(commanders) discretion, they shall have the authority to suspend or terminate the display due to weather or any other grounds deemed unsafe. The fireworks display contractor, shall be required to conduct an onsite safety assessment.   The fireworks operator shall supply 10 fire extinguishers properly tagged and functioning,” Enanga said.

He added, “The fireworks operator shall supply; fireworks tools and equipment for transporting and receiving, safety on-site storage and the necessary number of qualified personnel needed to setup, fire the display and thoroughly clear the entire area of fireworks debris at the conclusion of the event.”

According to the guidelines,  an operator positioned to have the display at the site shall ignite fireworks displays while remote ignition systems not under direct control of the onsite operator will not be permitted.

Aerial displays shall not include free floating devices or shells, less than three inches in diameters.

“ No spectators or spectator parking areas shall be located in the display site. All structures, buildings and premises located within the display site shall remain unoccupied during the display. The presence of a modest number of trees and shrubs is not a safety problem, provided they are not numerous to make it difficult to locate unexploded aerial shells or pose a serious fire safety threat.”

Operators have been asked to keep all fireworks materials dry, and away from bad weather, prohibit smoking, matches, lighters, open flames within 50 feet of fireworks material.

They have also been asked to  prohibit persons who are under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or medications that could adversely affect judgment, mobility or stability.

“  No cell phone or radio frequency generating devices are permitted within the immediate discharge area. Wear all protective equipment appropriate for setup duties.  Verify all mortars and racks are made of approved materials, and are of sufficient strength, length and durability to allow shells to be propelled to safe deflagration heights.”




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