Born-again pastors Tom Mugerwa, Phaneroo’s Lubega in ‘bitter fight’ over Kololo venue

Kampala’s Born Again Pastors; Pastor Tom Mugerwa of Mutundwe Christian Fellowship (MCF) and Apostle Grace Lubega of Phaneroo Ministries are in a bitter fight and full exchange of words over Kololo independence grounds where they both planned to host their end of year prayer gatherings. 


Pastor Tom mugerwa and Apostle grace Lubenga

  By our correspondent .

Over the years, churches, most especially the Pentecostals have always used the 31st December outdoor prayer gatherings to exhibit power and influence while showing who is who when it comes to pulling crowds.

Although Pastor Tom Mugerwa has always hosted his 31st December prayer nights at Wankulukuku playground, for 2023, he says the crowd has exponentially grown hence the decision was taken to relocate to larger Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. 


 Mugerwa who owns a radio station MCF Radio 98.7Fm and See TV media to reach millions within Uganda and the Diaspora, has reportedly contracted and paid up to be exclusively using the Kololo Grounds for three consecutive years namely 2023, 2024 and 2025.

According to voice one media updates  a local Ugandan website, the shrewd pastor has indeed already lined up this year’s Kololo prayer event with advertisements already on Radio, TV and social media to ensure large numbers turn up to be prayerfully ushered into the new year 2024.


world Aids day is on Friday .


The publication however reports that the developments at Mutundwe did not sit well with Phaneroo Ministries boss, Apostle Grace Lubega who equally desired to use the same Kololo Grounds following a successful event held earlier this year where he set a Reports suggest that Apostle Lubega has vowed to do all in his power to undo and frustrate the generous contract that resulted in Pastor Tom Mugerwa being allocated Kololo for every 31st December till the year 2026.

“He has threatened to do everything to challenge the same even if this means referring the matter to the Courts of law for some interpretation,” a source privy to the Apostle and Phaneroo Ministries leaderships reportedly told the publication. 



The confrontation between the two pastors leaves question marks among the many Born Again Christians especially those who belong to Lubega’s Phaneroo as well as those who subscribe to the doctrine preaching of Mugerwa’s Mutundwe Christian Fellowship.

It remains to be seen where the confrontation between the two pastors will end given both have mammoth crowds and followers who are already gearing up for the end of year Passover night.



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