110,579 candidates begin UACE exams today

A total of 110,569 have kicked off their final Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education exams today, Monday, November, 13 in various centres around the country.


UACE students in examination rooms kampala suburbs 
By our reporter


while Speaking with media early morning  , UNEB spokesperson, Jennifer Kalule Musamba said the candidates have kicked off with History for arts students and Mathematics for science candidates.

She noted that UNEB has been able to deliver all the exam scripts to the respective stations around the country where the heads  of centres picked them for candidates to begin writing.

The UNEB spokesperson warned candidates, teachers, headteachers and all those involved against exam malpractice.

She said  any person found indulging in malpractice will be dealt with in accordance with Section 25 (1) (2) and (4) of the UNEB Act 2021, which provides for a maximum sentence of ten years’ imprisonment upon conviction, or a fine of between shs20 million and shs40 million.



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