NUP leaders urge supporters to avoid security-like attires

The National Unity Platform (NUP) has advised its supporters to refrain from wearing clothing that resembles military or police uniforms.

This announcement follows a recent meeting between NUP leaders and the police, during which law enforcement officials warned that individuals found in such attire would face arrest.

In recent weeks, police have been actively searching for and arresting NUP members who wear clothing that the authorities claim closely resembles Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) uniforms.

This crackdown aims to prevent any potential misuse or misrepresentation of military attire by civilians.

Joel Ssenyonyi, the NUP spokesperson, confirmed that the party has already cautioned its members against donning such clothing.

He said the decision is intended to avoid unnecessary confrontations with law enforcement and to ensure the safety of party supporters.

"We have communicated to our members the importance of not wearing attire that resembles army or police uniforms," said Ssenyonyi

According to Ssenyonyi, "this measure is to ensure that they do not find themselves in conflict with the authorities".

The police have reiterated their stance, asserting that any individual found in attire resembling that of the UPDF will be subject to arrest and possible prosecution.

This policy is part of a broader effort to maintain order and uphold the integrity of official military and police uniforms.

NUP leaders urge their supporters to adhere to this directive and to continue expressing their political views in a lawful and respectful manner.

The party remains committed to peaceful and non-confrontational political engagement.


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