Sironko District : Leaders demands completion of Namagumba -Budadiri Road .

 Leaders in Sironko district headed  by David Livingstone Giruli as political head have asked government to quicken the completion of expedite construction of Namagumba, Budadiri, Nalugugu,Bugusege road and other unfulfilled presidential pledges like establishment of Wapakhabulo memorial institute among others in order to improve infrastructure development and service delivery in the district.

While speaking during the women's day celebrations in Sironko District over the weekend under the theme" invest in women ; Accelerate progress ", Mr Giruli noted that whereas a number of preliminary activities have been undertaken but it is time for Government to implement such pledges to become the reality but not just mere words which has become the song for a while.

"We have talked over and over for presidential pledges to be fulfilled but nothing have been done, and previously Chinese company approarched my office requesting for land which was acquired to instil their machinery for a few period of time they disappeared "Giluli said.

He added that district has continued to support women at different levels through involvement of women in all Government programs as clearly feasible and evidenced in programs like Parish Development Model ,Youthlivelihood program,Women Empowerment Program and Emyooga.

"As an administration we have embraced affirmative action politically where District executive committee has two members and one of them hold the position of chairperson finance,planing and production"He said.

Hon Sasaga Isaiah the member of parliament for Budadiri East Constutiency highlighted that while Bugisu region supports and votes more for NRM Government,but the region has been marginalized in terms of commissions,directorates and Cabinet Ministers among others.

"There is increasing discrimination and secretatisum foristance Bugisu is not treated like other regions in Uganda."Sasaga said.

Robina Nabbanja the Prime Minister of uganda who was the chief guest assured the locals and leaders that Government has signed the contract with Chinese company Sang Dong to kick-start construction Nalugugu,Namaguba,Budadiri road and works begins within two months to come.

Nabbanja revealed that the construction would have began but there still challenges in compensation of the locals within demarcated areas but she ordered the office of the Resident District Commissioner to harmonize with victims to assist in speeding up the process.

"Presidential pledge of construction of the late Wapakhabulo memorial institution has delayed but soon the Army brigade are in the process kick- start construction works  and later commissioning , Institute will support the girl child education "Prime Minister said.

Nabbanja further emphasized the women to continue participating in Government programs like PDM,UWEP and Emyooga to attain funds and implement in developmental project in order to eradicate poverty levels among household.



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