MBALE CITY : RCC tips Locals on environmental conservation

The forestry cover have shrunk from 45% in 1890 to the present 20.3% of the total land area in Uganda,Green cover continues to deteriorate.

Hon.  John Rex Achilla the Mbale City Resident City Commissioner has advised Ugandans mostly especially Residents in the city to focus on maintaining and planting more indigenous trees like Celtis Africana,ficus Natalensis,  ,Elgon Treak among others in order to conserve environment and curb other effects of climate change. 

Achilla made the remarks while speaking to our reporter in an exclusive interview that amidst climate change in the region and the country at large the green cover has reduced. 

"Uganda was called the Pearl of Africa because of the beauty of nature. We have the duty to restore the beauty of this country and we can do it; we need to put young people at the forefront in the conservation of nature. Let’s plant trees on all sorts of events both in and out of our communities," said Achilla .

He further added that our country in previous months was experiencing high temperatures following the man's activities on Nature due to lack of community sensitization and environment conservation campaigns by both the leaders and the community members.

Achilla said that environmental conservation is a way to go in a bid to address climate change which poses a significant risk to people in the areas of environmental degradation, food security, and the overall economic impact to source of livelihoods as a largely agricultural nation.

“That is why we should all care. The impact of climate change affects us all and calls for collaboration between government, cultural institutions, the private sector, and development partners alike to address it,” he observed.

Emerging literature suggests that global warming is characterized with droughts, fires and floods as well as indirect effects such as vector and waterborne diseases even inducing changes in allergens, biodiversity and ecosystems enhance health risks for the current and future global population.


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