MBALE CITY : Bamasaba asked to emulate on the legacy of umukuka Emeritus wamimbi

The retired bishop of Mbale Diocese Samuel wabulakha has called upon Bamasaba to emulate on the legacy of the late umukuuka Emeritus Wilson Wamimbi Weasa for the development of the region.

He made this call while giving his sermon at St Andrew's cathedral Mbale during the service of celebrating the life of fallen Umukuuka .

Bishop wabulakha noted that Bamasaba more especially leaders need to have intergrity and unite for a common goal of bringing people together which was the priority of the late.

"The things which disturbs our leaders is greedy and selfishness,but if Bamasaba loves one another we would have been far better"wabulalakha said.

The Prime minister of inzu ya masaba Charles Walibwa peke commended umukuka emeritus wamimbi for acting as a unifying figure for Bamasaba and setting the foundation of "Bukuka".

He also appauded Government for giving umukuka emeritus the official burial.

Honourable John Musila the member of parliament for Bubulo east constituency revealed that  during their reign with late they   bought 20hectres of land for inzu ya masaba which showed development in Bamasaba land  with whole dignity and love.

Musila advised the youths  to copy from the acts of the gallant son who served voluntary   with a lot with transparency ,love and dignity for his region.

"Desist from abusing your leaders but instead learn from them"musila said.

Lydia Wanyoto the chairperson National Resistance Movement  women league highlighted that Umukuka's death is a wake-up call to unite and learn from his big legacy.

Tonny wamagale the Councillor  representing Bungokho sub county requested that there should be council for greater Bugisu region in order to have the same voice on issues affecting the region.
"We had our daughter who were dropped from ministerial positions but there is no proper voice from Umukuka"Wamagale said.

He emphasized that it is high time for Bamasaba to leave differences and come together for the betterment of Masaba land.



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