MBALE CITY : Mbale women receive training on financial literacy

Over 700 women in Mbale city have been trained on financial literacy, record keeping and general business management by Equity bank.

The event was held yesterday at  Mbale courts view hotel  in Mbale city while celebrating women as a bank. Equity bank through its theme "Abakyaala ku'ntiiko" targeted to help women access knowledge to finance accessibility, digital banking, finding markets, suppliers and strong business records that can be based on by financial institutions while seeking to support women business enterprises.

The training focused on helping women in business develop a strong saving culture, debt management, financial investment and networking in order to create continuity in women established businesses.

Salima Kauma, an expert in financial literacy who at the same time takes up women's and youths programmes at Equity bank stated that the majority of the Ugandan people are lacking financial literacy which has seen many businesses fail.respected to the dot if the women are to thrive in business.

Kauma also observed the need for women to learn how to budget, manage debts and understand where to invest their monies before spending. He is optimistic that once such skills are mastered, many women businesses will thrive from micro, small scale and later into medium business enterprises.

Rebecca Katiisi, one of the beneficiaries appreciated the bank for the skills financial management as women.

she added as mothers of this nation we have also learnt how to deal with finances and to access markets for our products among other skills. She commends equity for their support.

 Joel Wamika, Eastern regional manager for equity bank noted that some women fail to run businesses due to lack of financial literacy and proper planning.



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