JUST IN : Farmers in Elgon region urged on use of Improved Agricultural Inputs .

Farmers in Bugisu and Sebei region have been advised on adoption of improve agricultural inputs in order to improve production hence curbing food insecurity in the region.

According to Mr.Timothy Bisagati the Team leader The link Agency  East Africa said that productivity is too low resulting from the  levels of adoption of modern technologies, limited access to quality farm inputs, low levels of mechanization as well as weak linkages to output markets.

while addressing farmers during community engagement  in Sebei region last week ,Bisagati noted that  Agricultural production and productivity in Uganda and particularly in the eastern region are constrained by many factors including lack of improved agricultural inputs , inadequate  access to information on modern ways of production.

He added that  majority of farmers in Sebei region  which include districts of  Bulambuli,Kween, Kapchwora and Bukwo  have for so many years suffered from decreasing crop yields coupled with post harvest losses which to some extent contributed to food insecurity and constant poverty in the communities.

However early this year   Sebei Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd received  support for Capacity Building from United States African Development Foundation (USADF) implemented by Uganda Development Trust (UDET) to promote Rice Production in Kween District and part of these funds were meant to be used for conducting Good  Agronomic and Post-Harvest Handling training for the farmers to improve on their rice farm productivity.

During the  training  with farmers , they were taught on the essential tips of handling various rice crop pests and diseases such as Rice Yellow Motor Virus (RYMV), safe use and storage of pesticides and proper fertilizer application. Overall, over 30  smallholder farmers participated in the training at the cooperatives office in Chepskunya Town Council.

Sam Wanga a smallholder farmer and one of participate from Bunambutye zone testified that he had learnt new skills about rice good agronomical practices; the benefits of using improved seeds, the right fertilizer application  method and spacing for different rice varieties and methods of reducing post-harvest losses through use of motorized threshers and tarpaulins just to mention but a few. 
wanga appreciated this organization for the knowledge and  promised to practice what he had learnt like to purchase improved seed varieties for his rice field from the cooperative Agro input shop. 
Mr Jan Limo the Cooperative manager urged the participants/farmers  to implement the action plans that had been developed in order to translate the theory and practical into the field for better results this coming season of 2024. 
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