UPDATE : Local leader arrested by residents over Shs10,000

In a surprising turn of events residents of Masalile village in Bumbobi sub-county, Mbale, forcefully apprehended their District Council Representative and drugged him to police over acts of violence against a fellow resident.

By our freelancer.

The residents claim that Mweru hired a motorcycle from one God Watsebwebwe a local boda boda operator which Mweru allegedly used for four days without remitting a penny or sign of returning the motorcycle to the owner.

It is also said that Mweru borrowed Shs10,000 from Watsebwebwe to fuel the motorcycle. However, efforts to recover money and the motorcycle from Mweru were met with violence.

Moshe Sadiq, the chairperson of the Bumbobi Boda Boda stage told V.O.M that on the fateful day, Watsebwebwe had gone to Mweru’s home to recover his motorcycle and money but he was received with hostility and subsequent assault by Bweru.

Following the assault on the motorcycle owner, Mweru went to the Mbale District Central Police Station in Busoba to file a report, alleging that he had been attacked by unknown assailants and surrendered the motorcycle as an exhibit recovered from the said thugs perhaps to punish Watsebwebwe.

Watsebwebwe sought the intervention of his stage chairperson and colleagues who accompanied him to Mweru’s home for possible dialogue.

"We wanted to see that he gives the young man (Watsebwebwe) his motorcycle and some money,” Sadiq said, adding that “but the councillor took off upon seeing us” but the good thing among us were some good runners who pursued and apprehended him”

Mweru turned violent in an attempt to cow the resident but they dominated him and bundled him on a standby motorcycle which drove straight to Bungokho police station where they handed him to the police for subsequent possible criminal prosecution.

“We lawfully arrested our councillor without causing any harm to him because he is our elected leader,” Sadiqu told V.O.M adding that “he (the councillor) just made a mistake to mistreat his electorate by acting like a thug”
The resident expressed dissatisfaction with the conduct of their councillor saying “If we had an opportunity we would vote him out now” said one of the residents.

However, at the time of filing this report, both the police and Mweru declined to be on record, with the police at Bungokho stating that they preferred not to appear in the media.

The embattled councillor is remembered for his chaotic conduct when he allegedly assaulted fellow councillors during a council meeting following a disagreement on the location of the district headquarters in 2020. Michael Mabonga a former councilor for Wanale Subcounty sustained a broken limb and walks on clutches to date. Mabonga told V.O.M that Mwelu was always chaotic.



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