Kikuube RDC says he is receiving death threats from land grabbers

District leaders in Kikuube led by the Resident District Commissioner Amlan Tumusiime have claimed that they receive death threatening messages from land grabbers every time they intervene to resolve land disputes in the area.


Amlan Tumusiime with other  district officials ON  small claims 


These attribute the high cases of land grabbing to mineral prospects in Kikuube, imploring the State House Anti Corruption Unit and the president to intervene.

They say many people in Kikuube are bound to be left landless.

Kikuube District is one of the new districts in the country located in Bunyoro Kingdom curved out of Hoima that came into existence in 2018  with an estimated population of of 443,752 .

Ever since the district was curved out of Hoima, it  has experienced a number of land grabbing cases with several people left homeless.

The Resident District Commissioner Amlan Tumusiime claims that every time they are fighting land grabbers , they receive death threats and threats of being transferred if they are not careful.

“Every now and then we get threatening calls from people we don’t know. The phone rings, only to pick someone telling how you  to back-off stepping in their land issues. However, evicting people because you have money wont work for as long as I am an RDC here,” Tumusiime said.

He attributes the high cases of land grabbing to the high mineral prospects in the district that include oil and gas, but also refugee camps,.

“Kikuube is just unique in away it has oil fields at King Fisher, we have factories here but also a refugee camp in Kyangwali, so people want to invest here. We have no problem with investment provided people follow the right way of acquiring land, even a poor person deserves to have their property safely.”

Buhaguzi East MP  Aseera Stephen wonders who prints these fake titles that later see security agencies under the influence of rich people evict people from their ancestral land.

“I want to understand where do these fake land titles come from! Are  they from heaven? They must be from the Ministry of Lands. Why not weed out wrong elements?While you are at home, a person surfaces telling you how you are in their land and they have titles. People have lived here for decades whereas others are living on land passed on to them by their late grandparents. How  then do you the land belongs to you,” Aseera wondered

Given the magnitude of the problem, the State Minister for Lands Sam Mayanja has asked the State House Anti Corruption Unit to take over the land offices in the area and investigate all irregularities.

” I have listened but there seems to be a lot of issues here. I am going to  write to State House Anti Corruption Unit to come and takeover  the land offices here for six months and investigate all irregularities and whoever will pinned to be behind these fake titles the law will take it’s course without fear,” Mayanja warned.

If such land grabbing cases are not addressed,  government funds under PDM and Emyooga may not yield results in Kikuube since most residents are predominantly into farming.

” Now Government is talking about Parish Development Model and Emyooga , how will people put this money into good use when they are living in fear not sure of what is happening next? We want the president to take keen interest in Kikuube, otherwise most people if the trend doesn’t change will remain landless” Moses Bigirwa, the  Kikyakamya LC1 chairman said.





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