70 year LC 2 Chairman Wanted for Aggravated Defilement case , Hands Self to Police

A 70 year old Vice Chairman LC 2 of Lwambogo Parish in Bungokho sub county has handed himself to police after having been on the run on charges of Aggravated Defilement. 

pregnant young girl
By our reporter

Wilson Sikanga who has been on the run for the last two months finally took himself to Busoba Police Station in Mbale district on Sunday 12th November, 2023. 

It is alleged that on 9/09/2023, Sikanga was found red-handed defiling the 13 year old Minor of Namatsale primary school in Bumweru upper village, Bungokho Sub county, Mbale District. 

The victim who is a primary 7 pupil is now about 4 to 5 months pregnant, according to medical examination. Upon interrogation, the victim revealed how the suspect known to her as a neighbour and grandfather had been defiling her on seven separate occasions, from his home and gardens at Bumweru upper village. 

She added that the suspect threatened to kill her if she ever revealed the matter to anyone. The matter was however, brought to the attention of her parents on 9th September,2023 when he was found read-handed in the act behind his house. He took off and has been in hiding for two months. .

 Police said he is supposed to be examined and if found to be HIV positive or on ARV drugs will be punished and produced to court on Wednesday 14 November, 2023.

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